Grants for Single Mothers in Colorado

Colorado has several financial, educational, and health-related resources for low-income single mothers. The following programs are available to help single mothers and their families.

College Opportunity Fund (COF)  for single mothers

The College Opportunity Fund (COF) is a stipend program for university students. Receive money to pay a partial amount of your tuition. Qualify if you are enrolled in school and need financial assistance. Fill out an application online or on paper.

Call 720-264-8550 or 1-800-777-2757 to learn more or email

Unemployment Insurance (UI) for single mothers

Have a question? Email us here anything that troubles you.

Colorado has a Department of Labor and Employment that helps unemployed individuals. Unemployment Insurance (UI) has an online claim processing center where you can file a claim, check the status, and submit an appeal.

For claim assistance and general questions, call UI center at 1-800-388-5515 or the Denver-based center at (303) 318-9000.

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has a nutritional support system called Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). See if you are eligible and which healthy foods you can buy.

Find the WIC clinic closest to you. For assistance, contact 303-692-2400 or

Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP)  for single mothers

The Office of Early Childhood provides Child Care Assistance to single mothers. Apply for assistance online, by mail, or drop by a local Department of Human Services (DHS) office. Contact Colorado DHS at 1-800-799-5876.

Head Start

Like many states, Colorado participates in Head Start programs for early childhood education and nutrition. Find the specific program that is associated with your county or city. Call (720) 877-3315 or submit an online contact form.

Energy $aving Partner program (E$P)

Colorado Energy Office has an Energy $aving Partner program (E$P) for home energy assessments and weatherization assistance. Contact the Denver office at (303) 866-2100.

Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)

The Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing offers Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+), a low-income solution to healthcare coverage. It is for people who do not qualify for Medicaid and cannot afford private healthcare coverage.

Call customer support at (800) 359-1991 if you have any questions. Apply online, by phone at 1-800-221-3943, in person or by mail.


Colorado’s Medicaid program, also called Health First Colorado, is available to individuals and families who qualify. Receive services for maternity care, newborn care, and family planning.

Get answers to your questions online. Apply online, by phone at 1-800-221-3943, in person, or by mail.

Colorado Works cash assistance for single mothers

 Colorado Works is the name for the state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Download an application online and send it to the local DHS office in your county.

Food Assistance Program  for single mothers

The Office of Economic Security has a Food Assistance Program that benefits low-income families. Learn more about program eligibility and EBT cards. Apply online at PEAK (Colorado Program Eligibility and Application Kit) website or contact the DHS office in your area. Call DHS customer service (800) 536-5298 or EBT card assistance at 1.888.328.2656.

You have access to grants that pay $1,000 up to $5,000 for school fees, medical bills and more. Learn more about each program and see if you qualify.

Have a question? Email us here anything that troubles you.

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