Grants for Single Mothers in New Mexico

If you have been looking at ways to apply for assistance with your bills as a single mother, you might have noticed that it can be hard to find the right information and contact details for these programs. Luckily, this page has been compiled to assist single mothers living in New Mexico with finding grants that are suitable to their needs.


The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program can help single mothers that need short-term cash assistance. Benefits granted can be used to purchase foods, pay for childcare and housing, and other basic needs. You can get in touch with the DHS Help Center by calling them at 800-432-6217, should you wish to learn more or apply for TANF benefits.


The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is another initiative which is administered by the Department of Human Services, in an aim to assist low-income families with their basic needs. SNAP provides participants with electronic benefits that can be used to “pay” for foods at selected retail stores. Call the DHS Help Center at 800-432-6217 to see if you are eligible for SNAP benefits.

Have a question? Email us here anything that troubles you.


If you are not currently on a health insurance program and would like to get your family covered for low-cost medical and dental care services, you can check to see if you qualify for Medicaid. As a federal program, Medicaid covers a wide range of healthcare services, but you can learn more about the benefits by contacting the Medicaid Call Center at 1-888-997-2583.

New MexiKids & New MexiTeens

If you do not meet income requirements for the Medicaid program and would still like to get your children covered with health insurance, you can consider the MexiKids & MexiTeens programs. Administered under the federal CHIP block grant, these programs cater to the healthcare needs of children and teenagers. Call the Medicaid & CHIP Offices at 1-855-637-6574 to apply for benefits or to learn more about the programs.

Child Care Assistance Program

Single mothers on a limited income can apply for subsidized child care (the Child Care Assistance Program) from the Child Care Services Bureau. If you need help with paying the cost of your childcare services, you can check to see if you qualify for assistance by calling Early Childhood Services at 505-827-7499.


The New Mexico Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program can help needy families with minor children by providing them with utility bill payment assistance and weatherization programs, in order to help them save on the cost of their home heating and cooling. You can call the LIHEAP Hotline at 800-283-4465 to check your eligibility or to learn more about the program’s benefits.

College Affordability Grant

New Mexico students that show a clear financial need may be able to benefit from the College Affordability Grant, administered by the Department of Higher Education. The awards for this student grant program can provide as much as $1,000 per month to students in need, depending on their situation and specific needs. Single mothers that want to enroll their children in the program should call the Financial Aid Office of the institution that their children are enrolled at to see if they qualify for assistance.

New Mexico Works

NM Works is the Department of Human Resources’ program that aims to assist needy families where parents have a hard time finding or retaining employment. The program can help single mothers find suitable employment and also provide counseling in order to help them succeed and thrive in their new roles. If you have any questions or would like to know how the NM Works program can benefit you, you can get in touch with the Office of Human Resource by calling them at 505-476-6230.

We hope that as a single mother living in New Mexico, this page has armed you with the right information to put you at an advantage, should the need ever arise to apply for grants.

Have a question? Email us here anything that troubles you.

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