Grants for Single Mothers in Washington

Single mothers can face financial, social and emotional challenges which are magnified, however, the state of Washington is here to help. Here are grants available for single mothers living in the state.


Low-income students should not have to worry about paying back loans. In Washington, there is the Opportunity Grant that you might qualify for. Apply by submitting your FAFSA, also known as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or WASFA, short for Washington Application for State Financial Aid. Contact student services at or (360) 704-4315 for more information.


WorkFirst provides employment and educational opportunities for single mothers. Find resources to help you find and maintain a job, including job search tools and transportation services. Apply online through Washington Connection or in person at a local Community Services Office (CSO).

Have a question? Email us here anything that troubles you.

Basic Food (SNAP)

Basic Food is Washington’s version of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). You have to meet low income and state residency requirements. Apply online through the Washington Connection link or show up at the nearest CSO.


WIC stands for the Women, Infants, and Children programs that operate in Washington counties. Single mothers and pregnant or breastfeeding women have access to healthy foods and nutritional advice.

Contact the nearest WIC clinic by using the online locator tool or calling 1-800-322-2588. For general WIC questions, call 1-800-841-1410.


Apple Health is known as Medicaid in Washington state. Determine your eligibility and apply for coverage on the Washington Connection website. Download an application online, call 1-877-501-2233 for an application or stop by your nearest Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) office.


The Washington Department of Health has a Charity Care Program that provides free or low-cost medical coverage. Apply online, request a mail-in application from your hospital or visit the hospital in person. Contact (360) 236-4210 or if you have questions.


Working Connections Child Care (WCCC) for affordable child care is provided in connection to WorkFirst. Receive financial assistance and resources to find providers in your area. Apply via Washington Connection or call DSHS customer service at 1-877-501-2233.


Be able to pay your bills while you are unemployed with Unemployment Insurance. You may or may not be eligible for benefits based on the location and dates of your employment. You cannot visit an unemployment office in person in Washington, so apply online or over the phone at 1-800-318-6022.

State Need Grant (SNG)

The State Need Grant (SNG) is given to students who meet household income requirements. Apply online by sending in your FAFSA. Contact your school’s financial aid office, call (360) 753-7841 or email for more details.


The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is available to single mothers in need of energy assistance. Go through the prescreening tool to see if your household qualifies. Make an appointment at the LIHEAP agency in your county. The program starts on October 1 and continues until June 30.

Single mothers may find it hard trying to balance home, work and school. With so many grant programs available in Washington, it is easier to improve your finances and your life.

Have a question? Email us here anything that troubles you.

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