How to Get Free Beds and Mattresses for Low Income Single Mothers

Everyone needs a bed to sleep on. Trying to sleep on the floor can be difficult, especially for those who are waking up in pain each day. It’s better to have a bed and mattress so that you have more comfort. Plus, being off the floor can help those in cold climates stay warmer. For those who need help obtaining one, they need to know how to get free beds and mattresses for low income single mothers.

Single mothers may struggle financially, because they have a lot of expenses and may have a limited amount of money coming in. Those who turn to helpful programs will be able to help bridge the gap between what they earn and covering the expenses of all the things they need, including obtaining beds and mattresses.

Being a low income single mother means there may be financial struggles, but the good news is that there is help. There are ways to obtain free mattresses and bed frames. By considering the ways to obtain them below, you can get your family these items for free. This will save money, and keep people sleeping comfortably each night.

How to Get Free Beds and Mattresses

Low income single mothers and others who are in need can check out the places below to find free items. It may take a few weeks to find them, but if you stick with it, you should be able to obtain them for free for you and the children. You will probably need a way to transport them to your home, unless you can find a place that is offering delivery, or you pay for a delivery service. Another option for transporting it, if you don’t have access to using a truck, is to rent a pickup for a few hours from your local Home Depot. They rent small trucks by the hour and it’s at an affordable rate.

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Goodwill – This organization has locations around the nation. They have used and new mattresses at many of the locations. They typically sell the mattresses for a low fee, but they may be willing to help a single mother obtain one for free. Contact a location near you to see if they have any beds or mattresses that you can get for free. Be sure to explain your situation to them. To get more information or find a location near you, click here.

Salvation Army – This is a faith based organization that has thousands of locations around the country. They also have thrift stores around the nation. They obtain donated items from people in the public and put it on sale in their thrift stores. They will also give those items for free to those who need them. Find a location near you to inquire about being able to obtain a free bed or mattress. To get more information or find a location near you, click here.

Catholic Charities – Similar to Catholic Charities, this organization has thousands of locations around the country. They give away a lot of free things to help people in need, including clothing and food. Contact a location near you to see if they can help with providing a free bed and mattress. To get more information and find a location near you, click here.

211 – This organization has a service that helps you get in touch with places that are local to you. Call them or visit their site to let them know what type of help you are in need of. They will use their connections to find a place in your area that can help provide you with what you need. To get more information, click here.

Saint Vincent de Paul – This is an organization that has many locations around the country. They help people obtain free clothing, food, and other household items. They also have thrift stores were they sell items that have been donated to them. Contact them to inquire about whether or not you can get a free bed or mattress from one of their thrift stores. To get more information or find a location near you, click here.

Freecycle – This website is used by people around the country. Those who have items to give away for free post them on the site and in their local Freecycle groups. You can join a local Freecycle group and ask if anyone has a free bed or mattress. To get more information about the group or find a local chapter of it, click here.

 Marketplace – The Facebook Marketplace is a good place to check out to find a free mattress or bed. People will list things for sale in there, but they will also post things that are free. Check out the free listings to see if there are any near you.

Curb Alerts – Join a local curb alert site or group. In curb alert groups people will take a picture of what they see or put out to the curb for free. The items that are posted are up for grabs for free for anyone who wants to go pick them up. If someone lists a bed or mattress you can go pick it up for free.

Churches – The churches in your area are great places to turn to for help obtaining things as a single mom. They will often ask their congregation to chip in to help you out or to donate items that you can have. If you contact the local churches you can let them know what you need and ask if they can help. Some may be willing to help you obtain a bed or mattress if you let them know you need assistance.

In addition to these options, be sure to let your friends and family members know that you need a bed and mattress. Some may be willing to help you get one, or will know of someone who is giving a set away. They can only help out if they are aware that you are in need.

Have a question? Email us here anything that troubles you.

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