Low Income Assistance for Single Mothers

Many single mothers in the U.S. do not know that help is available for them. The good news is there are several low income assistance programs available for those in need.

Mercy Housing

Mercy Housing has safe, affordable housing for low-income individuals. The nonprofit organization also works to buy, refinance and renovate low-income properties. Find a regional office near you or call (866) 338-0557 for assistance. Visit the website link for more information.

Low Income Housing Institute (LIHC)

The Low Income Housing Institute works for the development of affordable housing for needy families. They provide housing and supportive services from job training to financial literacy programs. View lists of properties and rental vacancies in your area. Visit the website link for more information and to contact LIHC staff members.

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Bridge of Hope

Bridge of Hope is a program that helps homeless single mothers financially and emotionally. The Christian organization has mentors, ministers, and social workers ready to work with families. Rental assistance and transitional housing are additional services. Visit the website link for more information and find a Bridge of Hope in your state or call (610) 280-0280.

Housing Counseling Assistance Program

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has a Housing Counseling Assistance Program to help financially struggling renters and homeowners. On the HUD site, find the closest housing counseling agency (HCA) or counselor to you. Call (800) 569-4287 for assistance or visit the website link for more information.


The Earned Income Tax Credit helps single mothers with earned incomes. The amount of credit varies based on your income and family size. File your tax return to see if you qualify for this refund. The IRS has downloadable forms and instructions, so visit the website link for more information.

Child Tax Credit

Reduce your income tax with the Child Tax Credit. Receive as much as $1,000 if your child meets eligibility requirements. Review requirements when you visit the website link for more information.

Family and Medical Leave Act

The Family and Medical Leave Act assists single mothers during family and medical emergencies. Job-leaving reasons that are covered under the act include family illness, military relocation and pregnancy. Not all types of leaves are covered, and your employer must meet certain eligibility requirements. Find a local Wage and Hour Division office or call 1-866-4USWAGE (1-866-487-9243). Visit the website link for more information.

Feeding America

Feeding America has a network of food banks all over the country. Look for children’s food programs, mobile pantries, and food assistance services for low-income families. Find a nearby food bank when you visit the website link for more information.


The U.S. Department of Energy provides weatherization assistance to increase energy efficiency and decrease energy bills in low-income homes. Find the agency that administers the weatherization assistance program in your state. Visit the website link for more information.


The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) provides federal funds to assist low-income people with emergency food needs. Find a food bank or distribution center that provides TEFAP assistance near you. Visit the website link for more information.

Single-parent families are forced to live on meager incomes every day. They need temporary relief that is provided through state and federal governments. Give these organization a try to see if you qualify.

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