Alabama Assistance Resources for single moms
Anyone can experience a time in life when he or she could use a helping hand. Fortunately, there are many resources for single mothers in Alabama available through state, county, and local community organizations. These groups were created to assist single mothers with paying bills for emergency housing, mortgages, rentals, utilities, food, medical needs, senior services, prescriptions, childcare, utilities, legal matters and more.
HUD Public Housing Information ::: HUD stands for Housing and Urban Development. HUD is a federal program established in 1965 to provide safe, acceptable housing for a variety of people including families with low income, seniors, and people with disabilities. There are various types of housing depending on the area, client needs, and availability. Offices are located throughout Alabama. Click here for applications and more information on eligibility or call 800 CALL-FHA 800-225-5342 or for the hearing impaired TTY 800-877-8339.
SNAP for single mothers
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SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) provides help with food costs for single moms with low income, or that have medical expenses that leave them with hard choices. If they pay for medical care, they cannot afford to buy food. If they buy food, there is nothing left for much needed medical services or even housing. SNAP can help solve this dilemma by providing food benefits to low-income individuals and families. If you need help with food start by filling out an application by going to the SNAP page here or call 1-334-2442-1700
Vision of Grace Transition Home
The Vision of Grace Transition Home is committed to helping single mothers by providing low-cost or free housing and assistance with transitioning to independent housing. All families are treated with respect and courtesy. The Vision of Grace Transition Home is a service oriented organization formed to provide homeless families in the Montgomery, Alabama area. The charity offers a single-family home with three bedrooms with a nominal fee for maintenance. The families that are chosen to participate are identified and referred by local Churches, faith groups and established service agencies. For more information on single mother grants or call 310-925-0801.
Social Security Disability
Social Security Disability can help if you have a medical condition that has not allowed you to work for a year, or is going to keep you out of work for a year or more. Find out if you qualify for assistance because of a disability by contacting Social Security Disability. You can apply by phone at 1-800-772-1213 and for the hearing impaired TTY 1-800-235-0778 or online.
Alabama Rental Assistance for single parents
Check out this organization for help with rental assistance throughout Alabama. The website has listings by city. There are numerous rental options for individuals and families. Short and long term help available. Find out more here.on single mother grants.
WIC Women, Infants, Children for single parents
Decades of research has proven what anecdotal reports have said about breastfeeding. If possible, a mother should breastfeed her baby from birth to at least the first year. There are excellent reasons for breastfeeding for the mother as well as the baby.
Breastmilk is the best food for newborns through at least the first year. Some sources suggest breastfeeding is beneficial to children after age 1. Health care providers can help moms decide when to stop nursing. It is a fact that breast milk contains health benefits including natural immunities that mother passes to the baby.
Not only is breast milk the nutritious choice it is also the most economical. A healthy mom can provide all the food baby needs until old enough to eat solid food. Commercial milk is inconvenient as well as costly. There are documented physical and emotional benefits of breastfeeding for both baby and mother.
WIC believes mothers should breastfeed when possible to provide excellent nutrition for the baby.
Get more information about WIC and how to locate a WIC office by county. You may also want to visit the Women, Infants, and Children website.
Patient Advocate
If you have a health problem and can’t afford the medical care you need contact the Patient Advocate. There are several ways this organization can help people who do not have the financial resources to cover necessary medical services. Take a look at the website or call the Patient Advocate at 800-532-5274 or by fax 757-873-8999. You can also contact the group at this address – Patient Advocate, 4421 Butler Farm Road, Hampton, VA 23666.
Free or Low-Cost Dental Care for single moms
There are 52 low cost or free dental clinics in Alabama. These clinics offer services to low-income individuals or families who otherwise would not be able to afford dental care. The majority of the participants are 501(c)3 non-profit agencies or university clinics, however, some do receive partial funding from the state of Alabama. Services may be free or based on a sliding scale fee. Find out more here.
TANF (Temporary Cash Assistance for Needy Families)
The TANF service was designed to help families in times of crisis. The TANF bureau assists families in discovering the ways to become self-sufficient. TANF helps single mothers with children to stay in their homes. The organization also works to prevent pregnancies outside of marriage and seriously encourages two parent families. TANF also has single mother programs to reduce dependency of clients by providing assistance with locating and keeping employment. Learn more.
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