Single mothers assistance in Columbus

The future can be sometimes unpredictable and uncertain. Sometimes you’re up, and sometimes you’re down. If you find yourself lacking in your present circumstance, there are organizations in Columbus that you can ask for help.

Broad Street Presbyterian Church

BSPC’s homelessness prevention program is called Congregational Outreach Ministries Program of Assistance & Social Service (COMPASS), which helps Columbus residents and single mothers that are in danger of being evicted. The program addresses the emergency housing needs of a resident and help comes in the form of a partial rental or utility assistance to qualified residents. In order to qualify, you must have a source of income, a disconnection of utility notice that should not be in default, and you cannot afford to pay for the reconnection fee. You have to submit a photo ID, proof of social security number for every member of your household, and proof of income. Phone number is 614 221-6552 and website is     If you are a single mom, get financial help today.          

Center for Groveport Madison Human Needs

Cash assistance is given to low-income Columbus residents and single mothers, which can be used to pay off prescription medicines, rent, and utilities. In order to qualify, you must be a resident in the Groveport Madison school district. You can receive a maximum amount of $500 within a 12-month period, and a maximum amount of $1,000 in a lifetime. Household goods are also distributed when available. Phone number is 614-586-4017 and address is

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Grove City Emergency Services

Grove City addresses hunger and other critical needs of those that live nearby by providing food and emergency financial aid to single mothers. Phone number is (614) 871-1334 and website is

St. Vincent de Paul Society helps single mothers

St. Vincent offers a lot of programs to help the needy. St. Lawrence Haven provides free lunches from 1PM to 3PM, 5 days a week. The Saturday Food Program provides a three day supply of food to the elderly, disabled, sick, and other people who don’t have the funds to buy food. St. Vincent also has a Clothing Distribution Center that provides clean and free clothing, and a Funeral Fund that provides a donation for those who cannot afford to pay for burial costs. Phone number is 614-221-3554 and website is

Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority

The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority runs the Housing Choice Voucher Program which addresses the housing needs of the elderly, single mothers, disabled, and low-income families by providing them with affordable housing. Once you become a beneficiary of the program, the housing subsidy is paid directly to the landlord, while you pay the remaining amount of rent. In order to apply for a housing subsidy, you need to fill out an application form and submit the requirements. Phone number is 614-421-6000 and website is

Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services

This agency provides basic needs, medical care, and housing to those who are lacking in resources. Food assistance is given through the SNAP program and is distributed through a debit card. The Healthy Start Healthy Families is designed to provide medical assistance to low-income families. The LEAP Program provides cash assistance to teenage parents, while the Ohio Works First gives financial assistance to qualified families. Prevention, Retention & Contingency addresses emergency financial crises by giving out a one-time financial aid provided there is a minor or a pregnant woman who is part of the household, and that the applicant is living at or below 165% of the federal poverty guidelines. Phone number is 614-233-2000 and website is

The Salvation Army in Central Ohio

There is a host of outreach programs that you can apply for at the Salvation Army. Clothing assistance is provided by way of a clothing voucher every calendar year. If you are running low on groceries, you can call on the Salvation Army’s food pantries program at 614-341-2282 as long as you have not been on the program for the last 30 days. Fresh produce is provided during the summer with the help of Mid-Ohio Foodbank to help with grocery bills. Rent assistance is limited, but when there are funds, this program is for families who have an income at or below 125% of the federal poverty level. Phone number is 614-221-6561 and website is

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio

PUCO has a Home Energy Assistance Program, which is a one-time utility payment during the winter heating season. In order to qualify, you need to have an income at or below 175% of the federal poverty level. Another program is the Winter Crisis Program. By approaching your local community action agency, you can get assistance if your heating has been disconnected, or if you have less than 10 days of fuel supply. On the other hand, the Summer Crisis Program provides cooling assistance of up to $350, and applies only to low-income residents. The Home Weatherization Assistance Program provides a site visit by an energy professional in order to check for leaks and help with heating system repairs. Phone number is 614-466-3292 and website is If you are a single mother , get utility assistance today.

There are a lot of people out there willing to give a helping hand. You may approach any of the organizations on this list to get help with your bills.

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