As a single mother attending college, grant money can be a necessary and much needed boost. The Pell Grant, supplied by the federal government, is the standard grant available to almost all college students. The amount, however, depends on your needs and dependents, plus a few other things. This money can be used for housing, food, tuition, books, etc. The best part is you never pay the money back! To find out if you qualify, more on how it works, and what amounts you can get, keep reading. To apply for this grant now, click here.
About the Pell Grant
The Pell Grant is a government funded grant available to college students who are United States citizens or permanent residents. You are required to be an undergrad who has yet to receive a bachelors degree to apply. Additionally, the grant applicant must possess a high school diploma, a GED, or the ability to show that the program will benefit them in some way. When it comes to the amount of grant money you are eligible for, there are a few factors. These include what the government calls EFC (estimated family contribution), cost of attendance for the school you are applying for, whether you are a full- or part-time student, and how long you are going to be in school.
Currently, the maximum amount available for an individual is $5,920. Once your application has been reviewed and either granted or denied, the school through which you applied will notify you in writing of the details. Funds from the Pell Grant are disbursed once per semester or twice during the academic year schedule. All funds are to be used toward education-related costs only. Usually the school deducts tuition costs from the grant money received and any leftover funds can be used towards, living expenses, transportation, and school books.
How to Apply for the Pell Grant
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You can apply for the Pell Grant by submitting the FAFSA form before the cut off date for your school. When submitting the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) you have three options:
- The first and best option is to simply apply here online.
- The second option you have is to go here and download the FAFSA form in a PDF version (take note that this way of filing the application must be mailed in).
- Your third option is to call 1-800-4-FED-AID or 334-523-2691 and request a paper version of the form from them.
The cool thing about this form is that you are entered automatically for all federal grant programs. However, those applying must sign a statement saying that the money will only be spent on educational purposes. Receiving a Pell Grant (and ensuring you will not owe a refund) depends also on maintaining forward momentum in a degree-oriented program. This means being in attendance, passing classes, and getting good grades. The exact parameters are decided by the school you are attending. One final thing is that receivers of the Pell Grant can only receive funds from one college at a time, no applying to multiple schools allowed.
About the Pell Grant Program
The Pell Grant was created in 1972 and was at the time called the Basic Educational Opportunity Grant. Eight years later, the grant was renamed to the Pell Grant to honor Senator Claiborne, who helped create the program. The yearly schedule for an “award year” is July 1st to June 30th of the following year. The grant is made available for students for a maximum of six years, previous to 2012 however, the max was nine years. The Pell Grant helps students of low income families, and others, access higher education. Research shows that enrollment increases when low-to-moderate income students have access to financial aid from sources such as the Pell Grant. It also increases the chances of the student to remain enrolled in the long run.
For over 30 years, the Pell Grant has been helping students pay for college expenses. As a single mother wishing to access a higher education, the Pell Grant is the best place to start as far as financial aid goes. Depending on which college you are attending, the Pell Grant could pay for your tuition and then some. The best part is it is a grant, not a loan!
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