Grants for Single Mothers in Nevada

If you find yourself looking for assistance as a single mother and you live in Nevada, there might be a whole range of grants that can provide a helping hand. On this page, we’ll look at some of the options out there.

Women, Infants, and Children

The Nevada WIC program assists pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers as well as their children by means of providing them with nutritional and healthcare assistance programs. Single mothers can enroll in the WIC program by calling the Office at 1-800-853-8711.

Head Start

Early Head Start and Head Start are federal assistance programs that can provide relief for families that are on a limited income. Both programs provide educational services to children of participating families and might also include family counseling programs. To see if your family is eligible for benefits, you may contact the Department of Education at 702-486-6626.

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State Access Grant

The Nevada State Access Grant is an educational assistance program designed to assist postsecondary students studying at Nevada colleges and universities that do not have the finances to finish their schooling. Single mothers can apply to see if their children are eligible for assistance by calling the Nevada State College Office at 702-992-2000.

Unemployment Insurance

If you are currently unemployed and find yourself in the situation due to unfair dismissals, you might be able to benefit from the Nevada Unemployment Insurance Fund. You can call the Department of Labor at 888-890-8211 should you wish to file a claim.

CCDF Child Care Program

The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) is administered by the Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services, with the aim to assist single mothers and low-income families with the cost of their child care expenses. Children up to the age of 12 years of age can benefit from the program. To learn more about the grant or to apply for benefits, call the DWSS Office at 1-775-856-6200.


If you aren’t currently insured with a healthcare program and have an income that qualifies you for coverage, you may be able to apply for the federal Medicaid program to get you and your family covered. You can apply for this medical and dental care assistance program by contacting the Medicaid Central Office at 877-638-3472.


The Nevada Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program is a federal initiative that is administered by the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services. Single mothers can receive temporary cash loans as part of the program’s benefits. Should you wish to check your eligibility for TANF, get in touch with the DWSS Office at 775-684-7200.


As a federally-funded program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is a food assistance program designed to assist low-income families with minor children. SNAP benefits are issued in the form of electronic benefits, which can then be used to purchase foods at participating stores. If you would like to apply for SNAP, you can do so by calling the Department of Human Services’ Division of Welfare and Supportive Services at 775-684-7200.

We hope that single mothers living in Nevada are now armed with all the information they’ll need to apply for assistance grants in their area.

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